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5 New Trends in Digital Marketing you Might Have Overlooked

Every company out there is making efforts to gain new customers. Small business owners and freelancers are constantly looking for marketing strategies that will help them target new market segments.

Instead of trying to find new customers, how about you focus on scaling what you can get from the customers you already have?

Too many customers can be overwhelming, especially if you’re still a growing business. Refocusing your energy on the customers you have will eventually get you more customers because excellent marking always gets to your ideal audience.

These five commonly overlooked marketing trends are a great place to start.


Podcasts have grown popular over the last couple of years, and many business people should jump on this trend. Audio marketing is an excellent way to reach audiences that don’t have the time to read blog posts.

Sharing your expertise in audio form allows people to listen while they work on other tasks. The convenience of podcasts is the reason why they’re so popular. Even though starting a podcast can be a hefty overtaking, it’s worth the effort because of the positive results you’re bound to enjoy.

Running a business is already so time consuming that many business owners do not see themselves running a podcast as well. An alternative way of ensuring podcasts work for you is showing up as a guest on someone else bandwidth.

Make sure you work with people whose podcasts are relevant to your niche, so you target the right audience. This is a great way of widening your reach and getting your message out there. Podcasts allow you to prove to your audience that you’re an expert in your field.

Google Re-targeting Campaigns

Almost every business uses SEO and PPC, but not many remember to use Google Re-targeting Campaigns. Such businesses are missing out because these campaigns help you reach qualified prospects.

Google Re targeting campaigns target people who’ve shown interest in your brand and have interacted with it before. Google places a tracking code on your site or any other place where people are likely to interact with your brand.

This way, you receive data on who has been interacting with your brand. This information helps you determine the most effective time and placement for secondary ads. People who’ve interacted with you before tend to be warmer as compared to prospects who’ve never encountered your brand before. Regretting makes your on boarding process more efficient and seamless.

Search Engine Optimization (Bing)

We talk about Google so much that we forget that there are other search engines out there. Remember Bing? Of course, you do, but I can bet on it not coming to mind when you’re optimizing content for search engines.

Many business owners are reluctant to leave the comforts of Google machine when they’re working on SEO. Sure, Bing is not as big and popular as Google, but it’s still a search engine that people use.

As a small business owner, branching out to Bing is advantageous because there is less competition here. Using Bing is also cost-effective because advertising here is way cheaper than on Google.

Cash-strapped entrepreneurs should pay more attention to Bing as they scale their business. Smart targeting here will help you drive quality traffic to your website.

Professional Social Media Marketing (LinkedIn)

When it comes to social media marketing Singapore LinkedIn is a very resourceful tool for all B2B brands. Many overlook it in favor of Facebook and Instagram because it appears to be too professional.

In reality, when it comes to social media marketing Singapore, no platform is better at building your online brand than LinkedIn. The platform is designed to ensure users have an easy time sharing information or creating useful content for their professional profile.

If you want to build authority, all social media marketing services you pay for should be focused on your LinkedIn profile. LinkedIn allows you to show off your expertise and prove to your audience that you know what you’re talking about.

Email Marketing

When you’re focusing your energy on the customers you already have, email marketing should be your go-to digital marketing trend. Emailing people you’ve had business transactions with before is way easier than emailing prospects.

Email marketing has a reasonable ROI because most of the time, when you’re up-selling existing contacts, you grown their lifetime value in relation to your business.

Final Thought

Whether you’re a freelancer or a small business owner looking to grow their brand, these trends will do the trick. Even though they’re overlooked most of the time, they actually add value to your business. As a business, it’s essential to understand that business growth comes down to acquiring the right customers. Retaining customers has more value to your business than gaining new ones at the expense of your existing contacts.