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How to Make Extra Money In a Slow Economy

In 2019 the economy was going strong with no signs of slowing down. Fast forward to the month we are in now where the economy has basically crashed in such a short period of time. With many business’s closing it’s doors and employees staying home it seems like there is no way to make extra money to compensate. This is true in some aspects but if you can find those small niches you have a chance at bringing in a little extra income during this slow economy.

Online Gaming

With most Casinos around shutting there doors, many are turning to online gambling. Yes, there are some risks but that is how some people make their full time income especially when it comes to poker. Finding the right place to go can be difficult though because for a beginner it is hard to know what to look for. Over on Nektan.Casino they've compiled a list of all Nektan casino sites and compared them for you to choose from.

Selling Goods Online

If you were ever a sports memorabilia collector and have certain things like a Kobe rookie card then ebay is where you are going to want to go.

If you weren’t much of a collector than becoming an Amazon seller is the next best thing. This isn’t easy though and takes a lot of research and planning to start up. Just like google, amazon is always changing there algorithms controlling what the buyers are able to sell at any given time. The trick to this is you can be grandfathered in when it comes to most products so the trick to it is to start as soon as possible.

Start a Youtube Channel

While it is not easy to get famous on youtube, some videos tend to go viral for one reason or another. If you have a skill like how to code, or even just want to show a day in your life it can lead to big things. The way youtubers make their money is from merchandise sales, viewers, and adds. If you find a niche that you fit into well monetizing it can really pay off with some top youtubers like MrBeast making unthinkable amounts of money. Chances are you wont come close but it is a fun way to make money if it does and can be life changing.

Overall the fastest way to make money is to game online or if you have goods for sale.