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Best Mobile Writing Applications

Due to the way the world is changing, it is getting more cumbersome to go around carriying a pc. That is why most of us would rather walk around carrying our smartphones, since we do know that we have an application for everything, be it we are using the apps online or offline. What matters is that the applications are there. That being said, today we look at the best mobile writing applications, for those who love to write on the go.

Top Mobile Writing Applications


JotterPad is an application that is specifically used by the Android users. This application comes with a boatload of features that writers can use. Some of the features that is has are the export options from Docx to PDF , that simple means it allow you to transfer your sports betting tips /reviews from Docx to PDF. The application even supports Markdown. And to add the icing to the cake, it is free.

iA Writer

This application is considered to be one of the best for writers on the go. One of the main reasons for this is that it is available for both Android and iOS users. This is despite the fact that the Android version is a bit lacking when it comes to features. However, it is still a good application that is preferred by most people who write on the go.

Microsoft Word

It is hard to mention writing application and not mention Microsoft Word. This is one of the sort after writing applications. Maybe it is because of the fact that Word can be used on desktops as well. Therefore, one does not take time to be able use and master it on their mobile. After all the mobile writing is done, make sure to refresh your mind. And what better way to do that n by playing best online casinos that payout. No need to worry, as you can also play these games form, your mobile phone.


JotterPad is an application that is specifically used by the Android users. This application comes with a boatload of features that writers can use. Some of the features that is has are the export options from Docx to PDF , that simple means it allow you to transfer your sports betting tips/reviews from Docx to PDF. The application even supports Markdown. And to add the icing to the cake, it is free.


While JotterPad is for Android, Editorial is for the iOS users. This is one of hr most powerful writing applications out there. This is as it does all that a good writing application should do. It supports workflows and comes with an intuitive and powerful interface.