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How to Make the Most of Your Instagram Account

Even the best tech whizz out there may not be using their Instagram account to the best of its ability. If you have a business with a marketing plan that includes social media, chances are, you are on Instagram. But are you making the most of its potential? In this article, we will give you advice on how to boost the profitability of your business using Instagram by following some simple rules:

Photo and Bio

The first thing people see on your Instagram page is your profile photo. Firstly, make sure it properly reflects your brand, and secondly, make sure it is interesting and engaging. You want your page to really stand out when people are searching for the kind of service you’re offering. The bio is equally as important. The bio sums up everything your business is about, so make sure it draws people in.


Linking to other pages can really help to enhance interest in your page. You can do this by simply following lots of relevant pages. If you’re lucky you’ll be followed back by them and you’ll gradually begin to build a decent follower count, therefore increasing your influence already. People who follow one account will pay attention to pages the pages which that account follows. It is believed that like Google, Instagram’s algorithm assumes that if people have linked to you, you must be worth linking to.

Theme consistency

Your Instagram account must work as a whole; not just consist of lots of unrelated, individual posts. So, first, you should make sure that you choose a color palette which every post adheres to. This makes it aesthetically pleasing, which is particularly important for an app designed around photos. Consistency is also key in terms of content. Use the same fonts, text sizes and layout for your posts, to create an overall body of work that flows.


Your aim is to get maximum engagement on your posts, including liking and sharing. This, in turn, will make sure your posts are seen by as many people as possible. If you’re struggling to get likes on your posts, you can get automatic Instagram likes and have them delivered at a slow even rate. Instantly receive likes to each post you make. Another way to boost engagement is by running competitions such as ‘like this post for a chance to win a wireless speaker’.

Post regularly

There’s no point having an Instagram account if you’re not going to use it. Make sure you post regularly to maintain the interest of your followers.

Analyze successful posts

Pay attention to your own success. If you have a post that is particularly successful, consider why this is and replicate it with future posts.

Respond to your followers

Engagement with your followers is a great idea. It keeps them interested in you and forming bonds with them will encourage follower loyalty. Some followers can share negative opinions on your posts, so make sure your posts are not offensive and try not to engage with trolls.


Hashtags are a great way to start building your brand. You can use them to make yourself visible within larger niches as well as starting hashtags of your own, which can then be shared by others.


Make sure your content is up to date and topical. Relevant content is the most popular and the most widely shared, so make sure you keep yourself up to date with current trends.

If you’re trying to improve your tech-savviness to help promote your business, make sure you really get to grips with social media and how it can help. It’s not enough to simply have an Instagram account, you need to make sure you’re using it to its best potential with these simple rules.



No-Follow Link (profile photo):