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Losing Weight the Non-Prescription Way

Almost everyone in this world has tried to lose weight one way or another. Let me tell you from personal experience it is one of the hardest things I have ever done. Just the thought of being hungry is enough to scare people away from trying to lose weight. No, it is not easy, but with the proper supplements and knowledge it is possible.

Weight Loss Pills

In the past decades the shelves at drug stores have been littered with weight loss pills. Some really do work and others tend to make you feel like you just took a bunch of Adderall with all of the stimulants added. I personally like a pill called PhenQ.  PhenQ weight loss pill benefits both men and women and the best part is that you do not need a prescription.

Finding an Active Hobby

In the states recently, there is a company called soul cycle which has created a huge buzz in New York and Philadelphia. Those classes are fairly intense but last time I was there it was not like everyone is in the best shape of their life. It is worth it though at the end. Just make sure you are careful getting off those bikes because your legs are going to feel like jello when you are done.

Meal Prepping

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The problem with not planning out what you are going to eat is that you may get hungry with no healthy food around. If you plan out all of your meals each week and keep track of the nutrition then you are on a great path to losing weight. If you are a terrible cook than there are many meal prep services out there that can supply you with meals or snacks delivered right to your door. I actually worked with one for a while and it is a brilliant idea.

Losing weight is a balance of diet and exercise. If you are exercising every day but your diet is the same then you wont see the results you want. If you are eating great but not exercising you are going to get the same results. Overall it is finding the right balance that works for you schedule, body, and stomach. Once that balance is found then anything is possible. I hope this gives you the basic idea to what it takes to lose weight.