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New Technologies that are Bringing in Big Money

Isn’t it hard to believe that we are on the tenth generation of the Iphone already? For the past decade technology has evolved quicker than ever from wireless phone charging, to the way we are gaming. People out there are finding so many new and innovative ways to make money. More than ever people are able to make money from their own home.

Online Streaming

Thousands of people are streaming their gaming online and actually making a ton of money from it. Most of the gamers are using twitch and YouTube at the moment, but that does not mean other websites will start to emerge. Play Hippo has many online casino games that can be streamed which allows you to get a feel for the online games before you even play them. In order to do this you will need to get certain gear like a good quality gaming screen as well to avoid any lag in play.

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Genetic Testing

Genetic testing has been around for a long time but it has not been so accessible to the public.  There are many sources out there to answer any questions you may have. We can answer it is a great source to use. Typically the machines were in research laboratories and only used for controlled studies. Recently many studies have shown that not everyone metabolizes drugs in the same way and it is mostly due to certain mutations in someone’s genes. This discovery has led to many new labs marketing tests to average people. Insurance companies are starting to allow this leading to huge profits for the labs.

Artificial Intelligence

AI is being used in many ways throughout many different industries. Whether it is for self driving cars or using your eyes to see which types of advertisements are better. Most start ups today have some sort of AI being used. A ton of large companies know they need it and do not know where to start so they are making subsidiaries as a good starting point.

Three examples of new technologies that are bringing in big money is just a very small part of what is actually going on. If I was to invest in one thing it would be AI at the moment because the possibilities are limitless. However, if you have a big personality and aren’t afraid of broadcasting yourself to thousands of people then streaming yourself on twitch may be a great idea. If you are an entertaining person then it is for sure the way to go.