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Why a Professional Headshot is Important for Business

There are so many reasons on why having the right headshot is paramount to business whether you are running your own or are a lower level employee. When it comes down to it isn’t so much about attraction, but it is more about the energy you are giving off. The best vibes to give off is warm, approachable, and professional. If you are curious on why this even matters than take a look at LinkedIn and see for yourself.

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© All images are the copyright of Headshot London Photography

General Tips

Now these tips may seem silly but it really makes all the difference. If you’re paying good money for a business headshot then make sure to get a good nights sleep and abstain from alcohol. Both of these can make you look tired and have dark circles around your eyes. The whole point is to look professional looking like you haven’t slept will not help at all.

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© All images are the copyright of Headshot London Photography

What to Wear

Busy patterns and large clothes are a big no. It will be very prominent it the photos as your face is the most important part and a busy pattern will distract people, and clothes that don’t fit will be prominent around the neck line. When it comes to hair make sure it is combed at looks professional but welcoming at the same time. For men the traditional suit, tie and dress shirt are pretty standard. Polos can also work depending on the type of business or if it’s a newer and younger company. Headshot London Photography is one example of a great place to get this done.

For Women

Just like men, busy patterns, and big prints are a big no. The best tip anyone can give you is to bring a few different outfits. There are just so many factors that go into taking those photos and just changing your collar can give a completely different perception of your face. Your face is what the whole picture is about so the focus should not be on the jewelry or clothes.

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© All images are the copyright of Headshot London Photography

What to Bring

If you are going to a higher end place than there are a few things that will be important to bring. Many places love it when you bring previous headshots because they want to improve from the last one’s which gives much more motivation. They will also want you to bring your makeup and anything that may make you feel more comfortable like some music.

Overall getting a face shot done whether it’s for LinkedIn or even acting it should be a stress-free process.