Tori's Closet on eBay?

Tori_spellingTori Spelling is selling some of her clothes on eBay. According to Tori is selling her shirts, skirts, dress, and even lingerie.  So I searched for "Tori Spelling" on eBay and got these results. There are some jeans, drawstring pants and some pajamas, but no lingerie. There are dresses from Prada, pants from Juicy, and more.. Plus they are a little cheap still too. [Nick]

1 comment

  1. Lonnie 7 August, 2006 at 09:05

    Hey Tech Diva… I just thought you’d like to know that your link for the search results of looking for Tori Spelling’s clothing on ebay does not work.

    Love your site! Keep the blog rolling! Have a good week.

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