USB Guitar Memory

177929630 6cc33c3c1e mI have seen so many different designs for USB flash drives out there. Here is one that will appeal to the music lovers out there. The Mini Guitar USB Memory stick has 256MB worth of memory and is available in the colors of black and white. The drive measures 160mm x 46mm x 20mm, weighs about 16 grams and is compatible with both Windows and Mac. GeekStuff4u warns that this item cannot be played, but it is still a very interesting design. It even comes with its own guitar case. The price is a little steep at $70 for only 256MB of memory, but I think that in this case I might have to cave in and get one.
[Product Page]  [UberGizmo]

1 comment

  1. Gadget Garden 8 July, 2006 at 00:02

    USB Gitaar

    Voor wie de USB gitaar te duur vind, en de mp3gitaar te strak, is er nu deze USB gitaar geheugenstick. Ja, een USB geheugenstick in de vorm van een gitaar… met een mini-gitaarkoffer! Bron: techiediva…

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