BYOA - Bring Your Own Astronomer

Every Fourth of July, a group of friends and I gather in Vermont.  We build a campfire on top of the same mountain each year and inevitably, have the same discussion staring at the night sky. 

“Ah, the big dipper!”
“No, you idiot, that’s the little dipper.”
“What do you mean?  That’s polaris right there.”

You get the idea. 

Little did we know, there is a solution for us, the astronomically-challenged,  in the form of theSkyscout Skyscout Personal Planetarium.  The SkyScout is a revolutionary handheld device that uses advanced GPS technology with point-and-click convenience to identify thousands of stars, planets, constellations and more.   Simply point the SkyScout at any star in the sky and click the "target" button.  The SkyScout will tell you what object you are looking at.

My friends will be delighted to know that our argument will be settled once and for all this year -- as long as we remember to bring the batteries...

See website for more details. [Via Mightygoods]

1 comment

  1. Mmmmmmmp 17 August, 2006 at 06:42

    I LOVE THIS! As a member of the Vermont crew, I can tell you that the arguments get fierce — that’s the big dipper, no that is!!! So I can’t wait to get one of these and prove them all wrong!!!

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