Fisher-Price and the Tech Savvy Toddler


Fisher-Price is preparing to launch a new line of techno gadgets for the preschool tech savvy set. As the mother of a three year old I have mixed feelings about these types of products, but I'll try to keep my snarky comments to myself. The first offerings in the Kid-Tough line will be a digital camera and FP3 player featuring durable designs in two colors (dare you to guess which two) and big buttons with easy to use controls. The digital camera actually looks pretty cool and will definitely appeal to preschoolers with its hefty handgrips, two-eye viewfinder, and color screen. The camera can store over 60 pictures, which can be transfered to a computer via USB cable, and takes a memory card (their specs don't specify which format).

The Kid-Tough FP3 player comes pre-loaded with six whole songs and a whopping 2 stories in what seems to be Fisher-Price's proprietary FP3 format. But don't worry, the FP3 player can store over 30 songs and 15 stories which can be purchased and downloaded from the Fisher-Price Song and Story Online Store. The website does mention that you can add a memory card and use your own CDs. Also, the child-sized headphones will only play at safe volumes and the neck strap is designed to breakaway as a safety feature. [Product Page]


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