Designer Sidekicks Target Breast Cancer
Every year, Fashion Divas get together to customize one Sidekick that goes for auction on eBay. Fashion Target Breast Cancer (FTBC) sponsors the event to ...Chic Cell Phone Straps
My problem with phone charms is they scratch up your celly, but these sequined charms add just the right touch of glamour without being too ...Pink Petito Benefits Breast Cancer Research
This breast cancer business is no joke, so you may have noticed throngs of women and organizations raising money any way they can to find ...Diamonds and Gold MacBook Pros
Customizing your laptop is getting expensive, and only the filthy rich can afford to pimp their laptop in ways we never thought possible. Computer Choppers ...Sony VAIOs Get A Maya Hayuk Makeover
Sony VAIO Graphic Splash Editions have seen many makeovers, but most of them have been pretty boring up until now. Maya Hayuk whose style is ...Moonbeam Clock wakes you up with light
While certain folks have trouble nodding off, there are others among us who find it difficult to open those eyelids in the morning no matter ...Coca-Cola readies new self-chilling bottle
Everyone knows the refreshing taste of an ice cold Coca-Cola during a hot summer day, and the company that has been quenching thirsty people since ...Hybrid bike and shopping cart
So you're one who loves the environment so much, you either walk to all nearby destinations or use a bicycle if the place you're headed ...BLINGPlayer racks up street cred
The MP3 player is truly a Walkman for the 21st century, and many thanks are due for Apple's iPod in this case. Unfortunately, design the ...'Spensive Sound
If you like quality sound and you don't mind paying a bit more for it, Grado Labs, Inc. is an excellent source for you. With ...