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The Best Tech Gadgets for Your Fur Family

For some people, the dog is just as equally important as humans. And while gambling at the best online casino you will need them to be as equally entertained and make sure that they are safe.  There are so many tech innovations that have been put in place to make sure that your fur family is well catered to. Therefore, after winning that real money online, you can spoil yourself and your fur friend. Here are some nice classy gadgets that you can buy for your dog today.

The Smart Feeder

Pet safe’s smart feeder is a must have for all dog owners that have a hectic schedule.  This gadget makes sure that your fur friend gets their meal on time.   And, you can easily get to sync it up with your phone as well. That way, you can get to dictate when it is meal time. And, if you do not want your dog to be overwhelmed, then you can go ahead and put it on the slow feeder mode. That way, the meal gets to be distributed within the 15 minutes time range.

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Interactive Pet Camera

Let us say you have gone on a long trip, or you have just been swamped with work, you can count on this gadget to help you catch up or play best payout casino games. The interactive Pet Camera comes from Petchatz and can be used for conducting video calls between you and your dog.  As if that is not enough, you can use it to give your pet some treats and aromatherapy scents.

A Pet Health Tracker

If you are a fitness fanatic, then the Whistle Fit Pet Health Tracker is one way that you can get to make sure that your pet friend gets to keep up with you as well.  The watch will allow you to set the goals according to the weight, age, and breed of the dog.