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Assessing the Best Practices for Ecommerce SEO

The success of your online business depends on the design of your ecommerce site. If the ecommerce website doesn’t rank convincingly on search engines, your prospects are likely to shun it or abandon cart before they convert. Not only will it affect your revenue, but it will tone down your reputation as a credible entity that a customer should do businesses with.

Fortunately, if you have such a site, there are some steps you can take to turn around your luck. Knowing the best SEO practices for ecommerce sites will give you new tactics and dimensions. You can leverage new knowledge, so as to give your site a new lease of life via organic search.

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Use Important Keywords

A highly converting ecommerce website is likely to be using the right dimensions and resolution for products, sizes, colours and measurements. It’s advisable that your products are easy to find. If your site attracts multilingual clients, make sure that you have the measurements to cater for standard, metric and universal formats. Your designated product images should reflect the actual products on offer. You need to be creative and avoid hiding prices. Such is the reason why you register high bounce rates, which can be traced by a rank tracker. This will show you how your website is fairing on search engines like Google or Bing. It’s important to keep product description up to date to attract more keyword and better ranking.

Design with Shoppers in Mind

Your ecommerce site needs to come with a design that caters to the needs of your shoppers. The design should serve to promote the shoppers intention not to distract them. Even if your products are super quality, shoppers tend to leave, if they have to wait long minutes for the pages to load. Design is a critical element of SEO process. If your customers are bouncing off all the time, Google will notice and it can be bad news for your ranking. A well-articulated page design will keep shoppers longer. This encourages buyers to look for alternative products or conversion all together. Remember, your page load time should be fast and responsive

Avoid Cluttered, Complicated URLs

Your ecommerce site URL carries crucial data. You can have product, file or category names. Avoid cluttering the URL with irrelevant details. You need to include the page keyword that tells a shopper what to expect. You need to keep these URL as clear as possible. A defined URL is friendly to search engine and shoppers. If you refer such a link to another person, they will act quickly to prompt, since they can tell what to expect.

Use Alt Text in Images

Alt text or alternate text is used alongside images posted on your site. The alt text can be sued in different ways such as on a broken link. This is the text that tells search engines more about the image you have on your ecommerce site. It’s not easy for the crawlers to tell what your image is about. If you are selling printers, it’s the alt text that sends the message to indicate what printer you are selling. Your alt text will enable search engines to find images that relate to what you are selling on your site.

Avoid Duplicate Content

To excel as a retailer online, the secret is to avoid the duplication of product details even when you received such a copy for a manufacturer or supplier. Even though it looks like a good practice to use such a copy, algorithms changes can lead to penalties if the copy is duplicated. You need to formulate new and catchy copy. New product copy will always set you apart from the competition.

Optimization of Product Videos and Images

Your shoppers don’t rely on plain text when they visit your site. The best approach is to provide compelling visuals and videos. The quality of such videos needs to be highly defined. You will score high since shoppers tend to share compelling videos, and it can drive back huge traffic back to you. If the images and videos are optimized properly, this gives search engines every reason to rank your ecommerce site higher.


Your ecommerce site needs to come with a guarantee of security for shopper details. There is an imperative need to abide by the rules of PCI DSS standards if shoppers have a guarantee that your site is SSL encrypted, they will be confident transacting. Google will notice that and your HTTPS/SSL secure sites will rank higher.