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The Tech Trends Taking Online Casinos to a New Level

It cannot be denied. The last few years have been pretty exciting if you’re someone who loves gaming.

There are simply so many options available these days, with console and PC gaming still going strong and mobile reaching a whole new level as well. However, another absolutely thriving area is the world of online casinos, with the sites offering players the chance to access a whole range of different game experiences.

A growing area

It seems strange now to think about how casino gaming was once very much an offline activity. You often had to visit land-based establishments to play classic card games and slot machines, with such locations often being associated with the glitz and glamour of the high life.

However, these days, those gaming experiences and many more can be found across a host of different websites. Many brands have embraced online casinos in recent years and new ones are emerging all of the time too. In fact, there are so many that review sites have even devoted pages to the new casinos which have launched for UK players. As Onlinecasinos.co.uk explains, it has become common to see a couple of new online casinos launch every month in the UK, with such sites offering several games as well as promotions.

The industry is absolutely flying right now and this was highlighted by figures released by the European Gaming and Betting Association at the end of last year. The data forecast that online gambling revenue in Europe would increase by seven per cent in 2020 to reach a figure of €26.3 billion.

Embracing innovations

One particularly interesting aspect of the sector’s rise is how it has seemingly embraced some major technological trends along the way.

For instance, we have already touched upon how massive mobile gaming has become. App Annie’s State of Mobile 2021 report also suggests that such titles will continue to grow in the coming months, with consumer spending on mobile games expected to go beyond $120 billion this year. Mobile has been a big part of the online casino sector for some time now and this was again highlighted by Onlinecasinos.co.uk. The site details how many new brands might offer an app, while those which don’t tend to ensure games can still be played via mobile browsers.

Another major trend that online casinos have embraced in recent years is the rise of new payment methods. A range of digital payment services has attracted attention in recent years, with the likes of PayPal hitting new heights. The company’s fourth-quarter and full-year 2020 results released at the start of February found that the platform had 377 million total active accounts, while it was also used for 4.4 billion payment transactions. Again, as Onlinecasinos.co.uk highlights, PayPal is one of several newer payment methods to be accepted at many casino sites, while some have even embraced cryptocurrency by accepting bitcoin.

The future

All of this makes it fairly clear that the online casino sector is open to embracing the latest technological innovations. So, with that in mind, what might be next on the industry’s agenda?

It is of course very difficult to predict the future, but with mobile playing such a key role in the area at present, it will be intriguing to see how 5G affects it. The faster speeds offered by the technology may create new possibilities in gaming, with the graphics and gameplay going to a whole new level. Games built around streaming technology are also a big part of the sector right now. The emergence of 5G might also mean new innovations in that space.

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Elsewhere, virtual reality has a strong presence in the wider gaming world at the moment and it would be intriguing to see what the technology might offer in the online casino domain. Many fans of this type of gaming may well jump at the chance to pull on a headset and wander around a virtual casino full of different experiences and opportunities.

A thriving industry

While all of that may just be pure speculation at this point, it does seem like the online casino industry is set for a very bright future. Like the gaming industry as a whole, the sector seems to be really thriving at the moment and several technological developments appear to have played a pivotal role in its success.

It will be fascinating to see what comes next and whether sites can continue to refresh and reinvent the casino gaming experience for their many players.