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TigerSwan Showcases The Advantages Of Political Risk Management

As today's world experiences more and more uncertainty in regards to geopolitics, the result has been an increase in terrorism, cyber crimes, and various types of violence by many different groups in nations around the globe. In many cases, these acts not only severely impact governments of nations, but also many different businesses and organizations. Because of this, it has become increasingly important to conduct risk management assessments in a variety of areas. Yet since this field is still relatively new, it is important to work with a company that has personnel experienced in many different areas. To accomplish this, most make the decision to work closely with TigerSwan.

Assessing Types of Political Risk

To ensure all potential scenarios are examined and guarded against, it is critical to assess all types of political risks. In doing so, a number of serious situations can be carefully examined and analyzed for their potential to inflict harm on a company or organization. Whether this involves terrorism, cyber threats such as espionage or extortion, or internal conflicts such as ethnic violence, challenges can be met using the latest technology and techniques aimed at quelling these and other threats.

Understanding the New Landscape

Since today's geopolitical landscape is always changing, it is vital risks be properly looked at and understood in regards to their possible threats and the damage they could cause to governments, businesses, and organizations. At TigerSwan, this is done using many different types of analytical techniques and consultations with personnel who are skilled in such areas as law enforcement, military intelligence, and combat leadership. By knowing how to integrate political risk into business decisions and limit damages when something does occur, it becomes easier to anticipate threats and develop systems that can be very effective in dealing with these situations.

The Need for Continuous Learning

Since responding to these situations must be done in a manner that has no indecision among team members, continuous learning is very important in the area of political risk management. To accomplish this, personnel are constantly looking at how threats and events are carried out, the responses given to the events, and the results that followed. By emphasizing an approach that places a premium on always learning how to be better when these serious and potentially dangerous situations occur, companies can create better responses and have greater confidence damage will be limited as much as possible.

Implementing the Risk Management System

Once a plan is in place, it then becomes important to know how best to implement the risk management system. At TigerSwan, this involves use of the Global Security Operations Center, also known as GSOC. Involving the expertise of many different people who have backgrounds in many types of areas, the GSOC is key to assessing threats and helping organizations plan adequate responses. After careful analysis is performed for each client, the GSOC can play a major role in the creation of scenario planning exercises, all of which are used to find hidden risks and vulnerabilities. By doing so, advanced analytics can be used to develop responses and assist in creating technology that can automatically trigger various responses that can play a role in preventing significant damage such as loss of data or other problems.

Since it is likely geopolitical unrest will continue to expand across the world in the coming years, political risk management will become increasingly important to more and more companies, governments, and organizations. Therefore, it will be crucial to select experts to work with who are experienced in handling these matters. By doing so, safety levels can be increased throughout an organization.