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Everything You Should Know about Smart Cards for Physical Access in Your Business

There's no denying it – almost everyone has a smart card (or two) nowadays. We use smart cards, for instance, for public transport and banking. Smart cards are also used when it comes to loyalty cards and club membership, and many organisations now make use of smart cards when it comes to identification and even proof of qualifications, amongst other things. But if you are the owner or manager of a business and you would like to ensure top security for your organisation in regard to access control for your employees, smart cards could be the ultimate solution as well. Here's everything you should know about the use of smart cards for physical access in your business.

Why smart cards for physical access?

Today, an increasing number of businesses are making use of smart cards as a 'credential' for controlling access to various locations in the workplace. You can use smart ID or identification cards to authenticate the identity of an individual, of course, but now, you can also use a smart card to determine the level of access a person is allowed at any location in your premises. Once the person's identity and level of access have been determined, then they can physically enter the area.

As an additional security measure, smart cards definitely make a lot of sense. Whether you make use of contactless or contact smart card technology for your business, you can be assured of enhanced security for various portions or locations, and this, in turn, results in better peace of mind.

Why a smart card makes complete sense for your business

You can carry out more than just a single application on the smart card of your choice, which would then enable the user to gain access to a physical location as well as logical resources. This is undoubtedly convenient for employees as they no longer need to carry around multiple identification cards or credentials. Furthermore, the system for smart card access is dynamic, meaning your security staff can change a person's access rights at any time depending on various parameters and threat levels. In addition, with the use of smart cards for physical (and logical) access, your IT staff can update and record privileges from a single location, and even your HR department can process outgoing as well as incoming employees as quickly and efficiently as possible. Overall, with the use of smart cards, you can actually incur lower operational and maintenance expenses as your organisational processes become more efficient and reliable.

What you can really expect from a smart card

But apart from allowing physical and logical access, a smart card can support a number of applications for your organisation as well. For instance, your smart cards can store and record data about the user or cardholder with the use of chips, and cardholders may be able to use their card to pay for a fare or a fee when necessary. Many businesses are now making use of smart cards to certify various transactions and track the cardholder’s activities as well. And because your entire network can be connected, your staff can share various databases and communicate quickly with each other, allowing separate departments to coordinate and exchange information instantly and automatically.

Before long, from every indication, smart cards will become a standard for every organisation. An excellent smart card will comply with various regulations, and with your very own smart cards for your employees, your organisation can run more smoothly, enhance and improve its security, and become more productive as well.