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Tech Gadgets That Will Amp Up Your Beauty Routine

These days, technology has moved on apace and even the health and beauty sector hasn’t been exempt from the latest advances. Today’s cutting edge devices have found new and exciting ways to make us more beautiful in the comfort of our own homes. If you can’t afford to go to a dermatologist or a beauty salon but don’t want to compromise on your beauty regime, one of these great gadgets could be for you.

If you’re looking for a better and quicker way to make yourself look and feel your best, you should take a closer look at some of the new tech gadgets on the market which promise to improve the texture and appearance of your skin and to make you look more attractive with minimal effort.

With that in mind, we’ve done all the research you need to find all of the most up to date devices from health and beauty specialists. Here are just a few of the latest tech gadgets which can amp up your beauty routine and keep you looking fantastic.

A Portable Light Therapy Machine

At one time, you had to go to a dermatologist to have light therapy, but these days, you can have it at home. A portable LED machine is small enough to take with you wherever you go so you can have lovely skin anywhere! Light therapy uses light emissions in different spectra to allow you skin cells to improve and heal naturally. Blue light can boost hydration while yellow can brighten the skin and even the complexion and red light increases the production of collagen and elastin..

A Facial Steamer

Anyone who has been for a facial will no doubt already have experienced the use of a face steamer. Steaming is very relaxing and is extremely beneficial for the skin, loosening the impurities that clog the pores and inducing sweating to flush them out. Although you can steam your face at home with a bowl of hot water and a towel, a facial steamer will have the perfect temperature settings to avoid any worsening of hyperpigmentation.

Eye Massager

If you hate your puffy eyes, an eye massager is the ideal solution to that unsightly puffiness. The skin surrounding the eyes is delicate and this means that skin problems like dark circles, wrinkles and puffiness are common. An eye massager will improve the blood circulation to this area and when paired with a high quality eye cream, the cream will be deeply massaged into your skin for optimal effects.

A Skin Smoothing Laser

Laser treatment is popular for anti-aging, and an at-home skin smoothing laser will deliver pulses of light below your skin’s surface, triggering the cells to regenerate themselves. Your skin will look tighter and dark spots will be reduced.

Personal Microdermabrasion Tool

Microdermabrasion exfoliates the skin thoroughly using microcrystals which remove all the dead skin cells from the skin’s surface so a healthier new skin layer can be revealed. Microdermabrasion is non-invasive and is therefore ideal for you to do yourself at home with one of the latest microdermabrasion tools on the market. Featuring vacuum suction and a spinning disc which work together, these tools improve your skin’s appearance. Click here for more information and to find out more about how to choose the right machine for you.

A Sonic Face Brush Cleanser

There are several brands of sonic face brush cleaners these days which can really take your skin care routine to the next level. Working efficiently to remove all the excess oil and deeply engrained dirt from your skin, these cleansing brushes also give your face a massage which is truly relaxing.

These beauty gadgets incorporate all the most up to date technology to improve your beauty routines and to give you the beautiful skin that you’ve been hoping for at a fraction of the cost of going to a beauty salon or dermatologist. Although these beauty gadgets may seem to be gimmicky, they have all been proven to offer your facial skin a number of benefits and to help you to look and feel your best. It’s time to start shopping for the next gadget for your bathroom!