Hammerhead Auto-Hammer

Do you happen to lack a man in your home to get all the hammering done? Well, if you think you need the extra muscular strength, then the Hammerhead Auto-Hammer from Craftsman is here to help. This 12V lithium-rechargeable Hammerhead Auto-Hammer comes with a miniature jackhammer that is able to drive nails in at 35 strikes each second, featuring a form factor that is similar to that of a regular, manual hand-powered hammer. Well, at least the familiarity of the design makes it much easier to use. Why not be nice to your neighbor and get him to help you out with the hammering instead? Who knows, your lonely lives could lead to something beautiful after such a hammering encounter, flooring the both of you with this thing called love.

Source: Gizmodo

1 comment

  1. miniature auto 5 March, 2010 at 08:59

    […] technology. DIY projects describing how to build electronic projects. Fun top 5 and top 10 lists.Hammerhead Auto-Hammer | Techie DivaDo you happen to lack a man in your home to get all the hammering done? Well, if you think you need […]

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