iPhone Bill in a Box, No Mo'


If you haven't heard about Justine Ezarik 300-page iPhone bill, then you must read my post over here. Anyway, the girl got a shinning iPhone, took advantage of her all-you-can-eat plan by texting over 30,000 messages, and a month later out comes a phone bill the size of a Harry Potter book (ok, I'm exaggerating). The problem here is that nobody told new AT&T subscribers they have e-billing options, therefore many of them will be getting their iPhone bill in boxes. So what is AT&T doing? AT&T hasn't issued a official statement yet (at least I haven't seen one), but an AT&T rep emailed one blogger to let him know that AT&T "is aware they are killing a lot of trees and is just starting to prevent it by going to "summary billing"-meaning no more call/data details for every phone on the account, just basic charges. This happens by default for every new customer as of August 10th." Oh, and those that really, really want a paper bill will have to pay an extra $1.99 per month--according to the rep. Well that's going to help me sleep better at night. I'm not sure how reliable this "rep" insider info is, but if you have an iPhone, find out what the deal is next month, and let me know, will ya? Via CrunchGear

1 comment

  1. trippin 19 August, 2007 at 07:11

    The cynic in me makes me suspicious that this is a viral advertising campaign, and that it’s no accident that the person who happened to receive this bill-in-a-box is this doe-eyed bleach blond with a mascara jones who doesn’t exactly fit the profile of a radical environmentalist with a hemp fiber skirt and hairy armpits exuding the scent of patchouli. Does she fit the profile of such a text message addict either? I think she couldn’t be bothered with all that thumb action — after all it’s a phone first and foremost, and she just seems like the vocalizing type to me.

    Has it occurred to anyone to find out whether this was all a stunt to get people off of paper billing, a windfall for AT&T if they are relieved of that obligation? It seems to me that if they’re charging to send a bill to customers, they’re on record as motivating them to move off paper.

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