Slippers that help keep floor clean

slipper-genieThe majority of us wear slippers to prevent our feet from picking up dirt - but here's a paradigm shift. What about slippers that actually help keep the floor clean as well? That's exactly what the Slipper Genie Microfiber Cleaning Slippers aims to achieve, featuring fluffy microfiber "fingers" on its soles that are more than capable of picking up after unsightly dirt such as dog hair, cat fur, dust bunnies and other stuff only found in the deepest recesses of a vacuum cleaning bag. All you need to do is slip a pair of these under one of your slippers and you're good to go.

Unfortunately, the Slipper Genie Microfiber Cleaning Slippers only caters to women's shoe sizes that range between 6 to 9. I suppose if you're a guy who has really small feet, you could try one of these as well. Of course, you can always save your dignity of wearing these mustached add-ons by actually performing the vacuuming yourself. The Slipper Genie Microfiber Cleaning Slippers retails for an affordable $9.95 and can be machine washed.

Product Page via Ubergizmo


  1. Barbara 14 August, 2007 at 16:26

    I’m sure every woman who dust mopped her floor at one time or another have dish towels on her feet and danced around the kitchen. Not a new idea but everyone is thinking “Why didn’t I think of that?”

  2. Barbara 14 August, 2007 at 16:26

    I’m sure every woman who dust mopped her floor at one time or another have dish towels on her feet and danced around the kitchen. Not a new idea but everyone is thinking “Why didn’t I think of that?”

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