V/ a. .g. r. a. Lamp

I get so much Viagra spam, I absolutely avoid anything with that name. The V/ a. .g. r. a. lamp was different though. Designed by Romolo Stanco, the lamp is hangs down due to gravity, until it is switched on. The lamp begins to curl up to take its shape as soon as it is charged with electricity. Once it's turned off, the lamp goes back to its limp state. This post is starting to sound a little too sexual, then again, I'm sure that was the intention of the designer who aptly named it V/ a. .g. r. a. Lamp

"an embryonic shape that hangs down because of the force of gravity, turned off and lifeless like a proboscis unable to support its own weight, like a drop of fluid, crystallized just before reaching the ground. But, as soon as it´s switched on like a kind of magic the lamp becomes animated, as it was fed by a spark of life. It starts to move in space, it rises up, making a fool of the force of gravity; lighting up, it takes shape and as long as it´s left on it remains steady, strong and firm, twisted in the air as it was supported by a mysterious force. Then, when it´s switched off, slowly it lets itself go down, yielding to its own weight, and falls asleep waiting for a new flash of life. V/a.g.r.a. is the version of the lamp with an animated bracket hanging from the wall (table and exterior versions will be coming soon)." via Designspotter