Fancy a HDTV to go along with your snack?

lg-hdtv-fridgeLG is more well known for its cellphones, monitors, and flat panel TVs, but on occasion they do come up with some pretty good home appliances. The LG LSC27990 refrigerator is one for example - what you get is a regular two door fridge and freezer design, but what sets it apart from other refrigerators are the inclusion of two displays. While LCD displays on refrigerators are old hat by now, how many of those do you actually know that come with a High Definition display? Yes, the LG LSC27990 offers 15" of High Definition goodness while you're busy transferring the week's groceries inside.

Not only does the LG LSC27990 come with an HDTV, it also boasts a secondary 4" display that showcases various information such as weather reports, recipes, and even a calendar. In addition, you can view your favorite family photos on the display provided thanks to the USB 2.0 port that enables you to upload images in an instant. The price to pay for such extravagance? $4,000.

Source: Ubergizmo

1 comment

  1. fridge reviews 10 April, 2010 at 06:06

    wow..this is cool…I wish I would have known about that rebate! We just bought a new fridge and dishwaser, I will have to post pics soon. We looked around but the local scratch and dent center only had junk that was priced too high.

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