This Paperchase won't leave you breathless

paperchase-ipod-coverSummer will soon be upon us before we know it, so why not update your iPod's wardrobe to complement your clothes? Paperchase is currently making available iPod jackets that will definitely be in vogue with the seasons. These chic iPod cases come in a variety of prints and designs to suit a wide range of tastes, and there must be something from the collection that you will like. Unless, of course, you're one of those who like their iPods just the way it is - all white and shiny.

These iPod jackets will be able to fit iPod nano and Video models, so depending on the type of portable media player that you own, you will have to fork out anywhere between eight to ten quid a pop. There is nothing quite like the feeling of making your iPod even more personal by slapping on a nifty looking jacket that doubles up as a protective shield simultaneously.

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