Touchscreen poster to rock retail world

visual-planetThere is just something about interactivity with technology that I find plain sexy, and this fetish with touchscreens has been brought to a new level by the Visual Planet ViP Interactive Poster. In other words, that invention is a touchscreen poster that shares a transparent quality at the same time, bringing interactivity between potential clients and prospects that was never before possible. Imagine hooking one display up at your storefront even when you're wound up for the night - night owls will still be able to browse through your catalog of products and have certain inquiries answered without the presence of humans around. It also makes your shop much more attractive compared to one that has a standard chalkboard drawing quoting the best prices for the day, giving you a higher chance of securing that sale you crave for so much.

The ViP Interactive Poster is made possible by using a range of holographic or rear projection screens that look clear even under high ambient light conditions. Installation is pretty hassle free, and you won't need to fix any external wires or devices since all the components are situated behind the glass and safe from the itchy fingers of a vandal. There is no word on pricing, so you'll have to inquire with the folk within Visual Planet themselves.

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