Taut revolutionizes energy drink scene

tautBeing involved in sports can be a very stressful thing, as the pressure to win can be so great that even the best atheletes in the world fall prey to temptation of gaining an edge via unfair means. For the rest of us laypeople, we might not take growth hormones, but we surely lap up all those energy drinks and bars thrown at us, thinking the nutrition and calories packed inside are going to help us boost our performance. Sure they do, but how many of them can be truly classified as "pure"?

The Taut sports drink stakes that claim by not including an iota of artificial sweeteners, flavorings, colors, and perservatives, giving everything your body needs without adding the unnecessary. Minerals included in each refreshing drink include zinc, magnesium, and vitamin B6 for an improved workout. Taut also lays off the salt since our daily diet already contains more than enough of that. You can now pick up a bottle of Taut for £1.50 in health clubs and £1.15 in multiples.

Source: Pocket Lint

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