Gadgets Banned in the Air

Another terrorist scare in the UK caused a complete ban of all our favorite gadgets in
carry on luggage. The ban includes laptops, cameras, cell phones and even our other girly needs like lotions and gels! There was even a case of liquid eyeliner being confiscated from a passenger trying to board her flight.
Scotland Yard has announced the arrest of 21 people possibly involved in a planned terrorist plot. The plot is supposed to involve liquid explosives, to be used on flights from the UK to the US. The more creative people get with the design of explosives, the more we can expect gadgets to be banned from flights. Who would think women would be hit the hardest though; we can even start taking our mascara and eyeliner out of our purses and pack it into our checked in luggage. I am flying to Europe in two weeks, so I am just hoping they will let me keep my two favorite girly things to get through the flight: my palm pilot and mascara.

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