Personal UV Monitor

174893008 5dd2ee6288Now that summer's officially upon us, it's likely that some of our geek ranks will actually venture outside.  Protect your pasty pallor from scorching with Oregon Scientific's Personal UV Monitor.  The built-in sensor calculates your recommended exposure time based on detected UV level, skin type, and SPF of your sunblock.  Splash-proof construction makes it safe to use poolside and at the beach.  Slightly bigger than a credit card and less than an inch thick, the device is easy to bring along in any bag, but also includes a wrist strap for those less-encumbered types (read:  guys).  At only $29.95, the only way protecting your skin could be any less foolproof is if you stayed inside.

[Link via GearLog]


  1. 27 June, 2006 at 22:44

    Personal UV Monitor by Oregon

    Wanna venture out in summer and enjoy your holidays but hot and bothered about the harmful UV rays? Here’s another summer gadget which actually necessitates going outdoors and abets in protecting yourself and your family from harmful UV rays. Made by …

  2. 27 June, 2006 at 22:41

    Personal UV Monitor by Oregon

    Wanna venture out in summer and enjoy your holidays but hot and bothered about the harmful UV rays? Here’s another summer gadget which actually necessitates going outdoors and abets in protecting yourself and your family from harmful UV rays. Made by …

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