BlogDesk Program

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I recently stumbled upon a program I thought would be useful to me.  I found BlogDesk and downloaded it to my system.  I like to think I'm above average with technology knowledge and installing programs so I worked to set up the information for my blog account.

The program claims to be easily used and set up.  BlogDesk is also free of charge and optimized for the blog systems WordPress and ExpressionEngine as well as the bloghosters and

I found the interface basic yet extremely easy to work with.  I was really excited about working with it because I like to jump on my desktop and write immediate things.  It looked like I could set up drafts, too.  I could imagine opening up the window, shooting a few posts to my blog as drafts, and having a few easy days of blogging.

Not so.  I couldn't get the program to work with my WordPress blog.  I have mine set up on personal hosting and I put all relevant information into the fields.  I then tried to get items from my blog (categories) but it did not work.  I also tried working around the interface and setting up an account incomplete only to edit the areas I was worried were working wrong.  It still did not work.

I'm going to continue to research the reasons behind my issue...but I would like to know if the program worked for others.  It seems like a wonderful idea and I would love to put it to use!


  1. Beth 11 May, 2006 at 01:32

    I downloaded this 2 weeks ago and had issues with my WordPress blog. For some reason the program kept giving me a popup box saying the password was incorrect. So, I opened up the admin, re-entered the same password I had been using and it worked. The only thing I don’t like about it- it doesn’t seem to like hyperlinks. Sometimes it inserts them correctly, sometimes it doesn’t.

  2. Adora 7 May, 2006 at 15:23

    I was able to get this to work just fine with my wordpress 1.5 install…image upload and all. I’ve been waiting for something like this to replace semagic ever since I moved away from posting directly to livejournal.

    Thanks for the tip!

    :: Lisa
    :: adora [at] techslut [.] net

  3. Things That ... Make You Go Hmm 7 May, 2006 at 13:48

    Blogging from the Windows desktop with BlogDesk

    This morning I downloaded, installed and tried out a Windows desktop blogging program called BlogDesk. Once you install and open the program for the first time youll see the following screen:

    STEP 1. Add your blog by choosing FILE-Manage Bl…

  4. Johannes 7 May, 2006 at 02:36

    If you send me more information about your blog I’m sure we’ll find a solution.

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