Logitech Quickcam Orbit MP

I love webcams and the ability to share a part of your life with others online.  I especially enjoy seeing my nephews and other family.  I live 800 miles from them and it's nice to keep in touch.  I visit chatrooms that have the ability to chat while on webcam too.  Many times I don't want to be on because I'm too tired looking or my hair is frumpy.  I think I found the ultimate FIX!

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This is definitely my next purchase.  I knew this was coming out but I hadn't checked the status lately.  If you watch this video you will find an excellent example that shows the true quality of this camera.  Phillip shows you the different 'face tracking' toys that are included. 

You can download different faces, glasses, hats, and I have a feeling this will become a huge trend.  You will eventually be able to be a sexy avatar that talks.  I'm not sure if I like it adding anonymity to the already anonymous Internet, but it's certainly a good quality camera with some fun additions.

I took some screenshots of the video but you really don't see the 'face tracking' effect unless you watch it live.  Phillip Torrone makes the use of the webcam look very fun.  I really see endless possiblities with the Logitech Quickcam Orbit MP, what do you think?

My friend Adam said that he ordered this after seeing the video.  It's certainly the best way to market it--show what it can do!

Logitech Quickcam Orbit MP Site
Video effects Site

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