Yahoo! Tech: Tech Made Simple


Yahoo! Tech has been launched, and I encourage to you to bookmark this site. I think we've all been at a point in our tech experience when we just want straight-to-the-point practical advice without all the jargon. Purchasing electronics is not as easy as walking into a mall and choosing a killer pair of jeans. You have to do the research, compare products and prices, read other user's feedback and yes, even learn a few technical terms. Nothing could be more frustrating than walking into an electronics store only to be faced with a sea of acronyms-- MB, 3x zoom, RAM, CPU, GHz, GB. Trust me, I've been there many times myself.  I want to know simple stuff like how many songs I can fit in an iPod? How many pictures can I take? or How do I convert video into digital format? Sometimes you just want someone to translate tech speak into plain English. This is where Yahoo! Tech comes in. They have assembled a team of Advisors who provide you with real-world tech advice and other practical information so you don't feel so lost next time you're faced with all these unpractical tech terms. That's not all...

Yahoo!Tech is filled with other goodies such as Tech Shows (Hook Me Up), side-by-side product compare, how-to articles, and real reviews by other consumers.

So before you set out on your next shopping spree, find out what the Yahoo!Tech community has to say about those cool toys you've been eying. 

Gina_2On a side note, I want to let you guys know that yours truly (Gina Hughes) is on the Advisors team, so make sure you definitely bookmark my daily blog! I hope to bring you some useful tips and daily tech advice to make your experience a whole lot more fun. And please make sure you send me an email (ytech_ginahughes at yahoo dot com) if you think you have some great tips to contribute to the Yahoo! Tech community.


  1. Of students enrolled in college 23 May, 2006 at 04:04

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  3. Sean McLeary 2 May, 2006 at 10:10

    Good: Provides some essential information, reviews (Consumer Reports content!), and other “goodies” content that should help someone figure electronics out or decide which one to buy.

    Bad: Somewhat busy, “all over the place” presentation. “Answers” from end users are sometimes wrong, wrong, wrong. No way to comment on answers and reviews. Layout requires wide browser — not fluid. Navigation easy to miss.

    It’s an excellent idea to provide some “easy” content that’s not too dumbed down, but the interface needs to easy, too. Nice idea, though. Needs some iterations.

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