Maker Faire: DIY Tech-Fashion


This weekend is the Maker Faire, and if you live in the Bay Area you might want to head on out there and learn how to create some really cool wearable tech pieces.

  • Diana Eng and Emily Albinski will launch their new collection "Blackbox Nation"
  • Alison Lewis of SWITCH will be teaching a workshop on how to make two  loving circuits for wearing or for plushie dolls. "Lovie Circuits"
  • Swap-o-Rama will teach you how to create new duds from old rags, then stick around to catch the DIY Fashion Show.
  • You may have heard of a new graffiti tool called LED Throwies, find out how to make them straight from the Graffiti Research Lab.
  • Syuzi from SparkLab will show you how to make an LED bracelet.
  • Create Blinkybugs insect-sculptures that respond to air, movement and vibrations.

Check out who else will be there here.

I will be there since this is in my neighborhood, so I hope to see you there.


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