What if there was a way to keep a piece of you, your child or even your pet around forever? Russian company New Age Diamonds specializes in the creation of lab-grown diamonds and can actually create a diamond using hair. Diamonds are made from carbon and since all living things are made of carbon, it stands to reason that a diamond can be made using a person’s hair or other source of carbon. New Age Diamonds have recently entered the Japanese market with The Heart-In Baby Diamond which are diamonds grown from your babies hair. With prices ranging from about $3500 for a 0.2 carat canary yellow diamond to $17,000 for a 0.8 carat chameleon red diamond, this is a very pricey gift or keepsake that will make sure a piece of you will live on forever. We all know that diamonds are forever.
[Product Page (Japanese)]  [OhGizmo]