Those Who Dine Together...
Stay together? I think I just made that one up. But the Socially Interactive Dinning Center pictured here is designed to encourage more social interaction through cooking and dinning together. ...Sometimes Two Are Better Than One
DesignBoom found this curious USB-stick concept made for sharing. On one side yousave all your work docs, and on the other you can upload your MP3s, private emails, love letters, ...LED Nose Ring for GeekRockers
It's really just a concept design for a Core 77 Design competition, but this LED nose ring would be a great idea for geeky punk rockers. Imagine going to a ...iMac Of The Future
From the monitor display to the keyboard, mouse and speakers...this iMac concept looks like great eye-candy! Completely see-thru when turned off and neatly displayed when turned on, this iMac is ...Inflatable What?
File this under "World Gone Mad". If your chair owns your derriere, maybe it's time to upgrade to a more functional one. I think my chair has become a part ...Anti-Social Chair
Do you feel the need to shut out the rest of the world, and create your own bubble? Well, Stefan Borselius "Peekabo" isolation chair will help you enjoy total seclusion ...iPod wristwatch
What if you could wear your iPod as a watch? This is just a concept idea by Peter Burns, but it seems like it would really catch on. The iWatch ...Fighting with your blanket
How annoying would it be to have a blanket that automatically uncovers you when it's time to wake up? Not exactly sure how this works, but the post over at ...Right to Bear Arms
I love guns as much as the next gal (or guy), but I think this lighted gun won't be much fun unless you have a cat or are afraid of ...Hold Them Close, Closer
Couples hitting the blues need to sit closer together to get a pink warm fuzzy pattern, that's if they have this telling couch. The cool hunter scoped out this couch ...