Three more DSi Colors revealed
You may have heard that Nintendo is relasing the Nintendo DSi in the U.S. on April 5th. This latest version of the Nintendo DS features dual cameras (one inside and ...Get the Sci-Fi look with Dior Blow Glasses
Most of the items featured on Techie Diva are for women, but once in a while we come across fab fashion items for men, and we just have to feature ...Diana Eng's Fashion Geek book out next month
It's been a while since we've talked about "Project Runway" alum and geek fashionista Diana Eng, hasn't it? Last time we saw her was at the Maker Faire 06' and ...Motorola RAZR LúK goes to Korea
Remember when phones were razor thin, simple, and flashy? Yeah, that was before everyone traded their sleek RAZRs for 3G iPhones and Blackberries. I miss my RAZR, not because it ...Samsung SPH-W7100 now with personal alarm
I scream and punch at anything that startles me so I know I don't need a personal alarm on my cell phone, but if you're one to be paralyzed by ...Siriano unveils vest for LG Lotus
I've never been to Fashion Week in New York, so I was really excited when HP invited me to meet Vivienne Tam and LG invited me to meet Christian Siriano ...Follow our Live Blog, Win a Vivienne Tam Mouse
You may have noticed two new buttons on the right that say "Live Blog" and "Fashion Week." We've set these up because this week, we'll be covering a few geek ...Fashion Week: LG and Siriano team up again
Do you guys remember the scarf Christian Siriano designed for the the LG Lotus? We wrote about it here, and even made a little video about it here, and now ...Fashion Week: Yves Saint Laurent USB Heart & Tote
To celebrate Valentines Day and promote the latest issue of Manifesto, Yves Saint Laurent is giving away 2,000 heart-shaped USB flash drives along with a Stefano Pilati designed tote bag. ...Fashion Week: Sony Techno Chic
Gadgets are a fashionista's favorite accessory, so it's no surprise to hear our favorite geeksessories will be making their way down the runway at Fashion Week 2009. Last week, Sony ...