CellStik Backup Drive
How many of you depend on your cellphone for almost everything. Notes, phone numbers and appointments are all kept in that little metal box. This is a great gadget for ...Solar Powered EZ-Tent
The thing I hate the most about camping is running out of juice for my battery operated stuff. Here is a clever solution to this problem. Woods Solar Powered EZ-Tent ...USB Guitar Memory
I have seen so many different designs for USB flash drives out there. Here is one that will appeal to the music lovers out there. The Mini Guitar USB Memory ...I'm married to a carpenter
Ok, so I'm married to a carpenter and what types of gadgets impress me the most? Wooden ones. I have seen the wooden mouse, the wooden computer mod., the wooden ...Pivi the Portable Printer
I love taking digital photos. I love, even more, sharing them with others. This little gadget caught my eye because it seems so portable yet could be practical in some ...Sounds stylish...
If you, like me, enjoy gadgets with both good design and good sound, you'll want to check out the pendant-style N10 flash device. The iRiver N10 holds 512MB of music ...iPod Home Media Center
Sick of watching all your downloaded Lost episodes on that tiny 2.5” screen? Have a desire to see in full detail the range of Steve Carell’s maddeningly hilarious expressions on ...Pink DS Lite in Japan
Don't know how to discourage your boyfriend from picking up your new Nintendo DS Lite? Wait for the Pink one! Nothing screams to a man "Don't go there" like the ...The World's Gone Small
A Bluetooth headset that works with your body, meet Motorola's impossibly small H5 MINIBLUE. It resembles a hearing aid and allows the user to have clear conversations even in noisy ...