• CellStik Backup Drive

    How many of you depend on your cellphone for almost everything.  Notes, phone numbers and appointments are all kept in that little metal box.  This is a great gadget for ...
  • Solar Powered EZ-Tent

    The thing I hate the most about camping is running out of juice for my battery operated stuff. Here is a clever solution to this problem. Woods Solar Powered EZ-Tent ...
  • USB Guitar Memory

    I have seen so many different designs for USB flash drives out there. Here is one that will appeal to the music lovers out there. The Mini Guitar USB Memory ...
  • I'm married to a carpenter

    Ok, so I'm married to a carpenter and what types of gadgets impress me the most?  Wooden ones.  I have seen the wooden mouse, the wooden computer mod., the wooden ...
  • Pivi the Portable Printer

    I love taking digital photos.  I love, even more, sharing them with others.  This little gadget caught my eye because it seems so portable yet could be practical in some ...
  • Sounds stylish...

    If you, like me, enjoy gadgets with both good design and good sound, you'll want to check out the pendant-style N10 flash device.   The iRiver N10 holds 512MB of music ...
  • iPod Home Media Center

    Sick of watching all your downloaded Lost episodes on that tiny 2.5” screen? Have a desire to see in full detail the range of Steve Carell’s maddeningly hilarious expressions on ...
  • Pink DS Lite in Japan

    Don't know how to discourage your boyfriend from picking up your new Nintendo DS Lite? Wait for the Pink one! Nothing screams to a man "Don't go there" like the ...
  • Swapsets

    Are you looking for a way to mix fashion and technology? Swapsets has developed a line of headbands that will make you jump for joy. These headbands have receptacles that ...
  • The World's Gone Small

    A Bluetooth headset that works with your body, meet Motorola's impossibly small H5 MINIBLUE. It resembles a hearing aid and allows the user to have clear conversations even in noisy ...