Switch: Lovie Circuits
I stopped by Switch's workshop yesterday as Alison was teaching a class full of savvy students how to make "Lovie Circuits". I wondered what the ...Dell Gaming Notebook
Trying to stay in the game, Dell has recently released a gaming notebook to rival some of the systems out there that boast speedy processing ...Midas Remote Control Watch
A watch that could make even the most innocent of gadget lovers show a devious streak. This Midas Remote Control Watch gives you the power ...Diana Eng's Black Box Nation
Diana Eng ("Project Runway 2" designer) and Emily Albinski did a great job at the Maker Faire unveilling their new brand called "Black Box Nation". ...Sparklab Tech-Fashion
I stopped by SparkLab's Workshop as the ladies were vigorously working on creating their own LED Wearable Cuff. It seems the project was taking a ...New Nano in the works?
T3 Gadget Blog is reporting that we should see some new additions to the iPod Nano line this summer. According to the Blog, Apple watchers ...You Snooze you Lose
This is an area that i've had personal experience with. Just this week, a friend and I, came up with the name for a website ...La Dolce Vita = Vespa Hybrid
Retro Thing's April Fool's joke was a post detailing a phoney-baloney Vespa hybrid scooter. cool idea, but, obviously not the real deal. Well, hold on. ...Maker Faire: DIY Tech-Fashion
This weekend is the Maker Faire, and if you live in the Bay Area you might want to head on out there and learn how ...Celebrate Earth Day by eCycling
Earth Day take place this Saturday April 22, do you know where you're unused tech is? We love gadgets as much as the next gal, ...