Perez Hilton on Current Buzz
I love reading Perez Hilton. If you don't read it, you should. Here's an interview he did with Current Buzz, and OMG, he pulled an ...Staying Safe Online
From the editor's desk: Hey there, every once in a while, I like to post articles that I'm writing over at Yahoo Tech, in case ...Dangerously Thin Mona USB
What's with the obsession of being thin? Even electronic companies are on a thin kick. While there's nothing wrong with being on the slender side, ...Flickr MiniCards
MOO, a cutting-edge printing company, has teamed up with the online photo fantasyland Flickr to create MiniCards featuring your favorite digital images and your contact ...Nap At Work in a Pod
Wouldn't this be nice to have one of these at work? Metronaps' pods is for the powernappers who end up taking a quick rest in ...iKaraoke Puts Your Voice First
Are you one of those karaoke volunteers that sings your heart out at bars and local spots? Do you find yourself shy but you still ...Personalize Your Laptop
These new "Schtickers" will brighten up your old laptop or add personal style to your new laptop in just a few seconds. These laptop decals ...Rip YouTube Videos
For those of you who have explored the world of YouTube, you know how strangely fascinating those random blips of people’s lives can be or ...Talk and Touch Up Your Makeup
It's still all very strange to me, but while at Sephora, I spotted the most ridiculous, yet stangely alluring lipstick charm for your mobile. Burjois ...