Tao Digital Photo Keychain
I love digital photography. One thing I always forget to do is to print out my photos so that I can share them in everyday ...Hello Kitty iPod Earphone Charms
It's been a while since I post anything Hello Kitty, but I spotted these adorable HK earphone charms on Kitty Hell, and had to tell ...LaCie's Golden Disk Drive
LaCie cares about your home decor, so it has put a little effort design-wise creating this sleek golden drive that will compliment your equally shiny ...Pink Zune Gets a NYLON Fashion Makeover
I've never heard of NYLON magazine (have you?), but if you have, maybe you've heard of the girly makeover they gave the Pink Zune. Instead ...H&M Shopping Posters for Impulsive Buyers
I'm as impulsive as the rest of you when it comes to shopping, but putting barcodes on posters so I can get myself into more ...Surf the Web Laying Down
I'm always looking for more comfortable ways to surf the web at home. I'm kinda tired of sitting at a desk when I'm working, and ...Stungun disguised as a cellphone
The next time you pull out this seemingly innocent cellphone, your friends might actually stare at your incredulously for using such an archaic handset. What, ...Barbie is one dim witted doll
For those with a sadistic streak within, this homemade electrical chair doesn't cater to humans, but instead it targets the favorite plaything of many a ...All-In-One computer from SBCORE
How many of us who are new to the computing scene bought a computer only to have a more knowledgeable friend or family member tell ...LEGO brick now carries data
USB flash drives are more than just tiny devices people use to tote their data around these days - it has more or less become ...