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Top 5 Online Education Programs for Computer Science in 2019

If you want to pursue a course in computer science but you cannot afford to be in school all the time, you could always enroll for an online program. There is an impressive number of students who have graduated with a course in the field they’re passionate about. Just because you have responsibilities does not mean you should stop chasing your dream. Technology allows people to study at their own pace.

Computer science opens you up to many opportunities because there will always be vacancies for computer scientists. With today’s economy, you need a well-paying job if you’re to live a comfortable life.

1.University of Florida

In the first place, we have the University of Florida, which was established in 1853. This is a well-reputed institution of higher learning that specializes in several fields. The school offers online courses in fields that are lucrative and high paying.

The university's computer science program is quite robust, and you're bound to graduate ready for the job market. The online course ensures you learn about data structures, computer organization, and well as different operating systems.

To pursue a career in computer science, it is mandatory that you have an educational background in technical writing, analytic geometry, engineering, physics as well as calculus. This university’s program covers all these bases and so much more.

The experienced professors will teach you how to conduct research for a paper so that you have an easy time completing your assignments. The minimum qualification for admission is a 2.5GPA. You'll also need a high school education background because otherwise, you'll have a hard time understanding many concepts and you will need need computer science homework help .

2.Florida State University

A second play is Tennessee-based Florida State University, which is also a public university. The school aims to train lifetime computer scientists. Every professor you’ll interact with have years of experience in this field. It has one of the best online programs because the course covers both the theoretical and practical aspects of computer science.

You get a comprehensive introduction to computer science so that you have an easy time understanding complex concepts. Since computer science is a technical course, a foundational topic goes a long way in helping you join the dot. At the end of the day, every concept connects to the introduction.

The diverse nature of the course opens you up to many career options once you graduate. Some of the programming languages you'll learn to include Java, C, Perl, C++, Lisp, and HTML. The school's curriculum ensures that you understand computer science's interdependence on design.

Even though you'll be studying online, rest assured you'll be benefiting from the faculty's resources. This is because most resources are accessed online by on-campus students, as well. The canvas learning management has managed to deliver a seamless learning experience for all online computer science students

To apply for the only course, you should have met their admission requirements. As you apply, you should also include an essay as specified by the instructions. This online course not only trains you to be a computer scientist, but it also ensures that you graduate as a well-rounded individual.

3. Johns Hopkins University

This is a prestigious university that's recognized globally. It has an impressive online course on computer science, and the performance is proof of its efficiency. Anyone who succeeds in joining Johns Hopkins University is an excellent student because it maintains strict entry requirements.

The university was established in 1876, and it has been churning out professionals ever since. This Maryland-based institution believes in the power of technology and innovation.

The online computer science program offered by the school is a comprehensive course that goes as far as re-introducing traditional computer science topics. The course work is rigorous to ensure that upon graduation, you’re are well conversant with all things computers.

As a student, you can choose from 10 different areas so that you graduate as a specialized professional. This allows you to focus on the field you’re passionate about. Some of these concentration areas include;

  • Big data
  • Cloud computing
  • Bioinformatics
  • Knowledge management and systems
  • Visualization
  • Software engineering
  • Human-computer interaction

As a part-time student, you get to take care of all your other responsibilities, as well.

4.The University of Illinois at Springfield

This is an Oregon-based institution of higher learning that’s one of the largest universities in the state. If you’re interested in pursuing an online course in computer science, this is an excellent choice because it has favorable entry requirements. The rigorous program ensures that you’re ready for the job market upon graduation.

5. Regis University

Last but not least, there is Regis University, which is a catholic university based in Colorado. Computer science is one of the few courses in this university you can access online. You're guaranteed to get your undergraduate certificate because the course is legitimate and recognized in the job market.


If you have a deep interest in computer science, consider trying one of these universities.