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Is It Worth It To Create A Cross Platform App In 2020?

One of the most profound advents to take place in the digital age is the widespread development and use of mobile applications for smartphones which are typically created for specific platforms such as the iOS for Apple or Google Android System which is based on Windows OS. The widespread use of apps and the convergence of these apps onto a limited number of platforms has led to the question of whether or not it is worth it to create cross platform apps in 2020. The answer is Yes. Not only does making apps cross compatible with different platforms make them easier to access and more convenient, but the cost and effort needed to make applications compatible across different platforms has also decreased significantly thanks to cross-platform app development systems as well.

Advantages of Cross Platform Compatibility

There are a variety of advantages that come from creating cross platform applications. One of these advantages is that the application will result in a much greater reach than it would on only one of the platforms or another. Many types of applications are going to benefit from being able to reach a larger number of potential users. Another advantage is that there is going to be a significant amount of convenience that exists when it comes to using these types of mobile applications which is also another benefit that comes from investing in both types of platforms as well. These are just some of the advantages that come from offering cross platform compatibility which are some of the reasons why companies invest so much in ensuring their applications are compatible across different platforms.

Lower Costs of Cross Platform Compatibility

One other reason that it is worth it for applications to be offered across different platforms is that the cost of making applications compatible across different platforms has decreased in the most recent years as well. As time goes on and technology advances, the capabilities of developers and programs for development increases as well. This has made the task of making applications compatible across different platforms much less difficult than in the past. By using the right cross-platform app development tools and resources, any project can be made cross compatible across different platforms which is something that has not always been available in the past. This is another reason that creating cross platform applications is worth it at the present moment.


In conclusion, there are many reasons why it may be worth it to invest in cross compatibility with different platforms when it comes to mobile applications and development. Some of these reasons come from the greater benefits that come with cross-platform compatibility while others are based in the relatively minimal cost and effort it takes to do this compared to the past. Regardless of the reason specifically, it is more likely than not that cross-platform compatibility is going to be more useful than not at the present moment.