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What are Online Casinos Like

If you have never had a try at an online casino, you probably have this mental image of walking into some virtual reality version of a James Bond movie and hoping to pull of the biggest jackpot win known to mankind. You can try online casino at Dreamjackpot, where you can play an endless amount of games.  Everyone is wearing fancy suits and there are beautiful waitresses serving cocktails.  The reality of an online casino is a lot less complicated and much easier to get involved with – plus there is always the chance you could win a bit of money!

Online casino games

At its most basic, an online casino is an internet based venue to take part in a range of virtual games.  There are some where you can play without using real money and others where you can, obviously the latter involving a real money payment if you win.  There are thousands of different games ranging from classics such as Blackjack, Poker and Slots through to new alternative games. If you want to compare casinos then there are plenty of resources out there.

There are two types of online casino currently available.  One is called a download casino where you download a piece of software to your computer.  You then play the games through this software.  The other is a no-download casino where you play across a web.

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Where is the Casino Based?

Because these casinos are online, the companies can be based anywhere in the world.  But you should make sure they are licensed for the area that you live in.  For example, a casino can be based in the Philippines but also can be licensed under the Isle of Man for European players. This means anyone in Asia and in Europe are gambling in a safe casino that complies with their countries rules.

Safety is another concern with anything connected to the internet and for casinos, where real money changes hands, it is a paramount concern.  Most use the very latest in encryption software to protect players while they are gambling and even offer customer service staff if there are any concerns.

Can You Win Money?

Gambling features an inherent risk but there is no reason why you can’t win a little money playing casino games, as long as you gamble responsibly.  Knowing your limits is a crucial part of enjoying casino playing – set a limit for the session, the day or the week and stick to it no matter what.

It can often be advisable to stick to one game and really learn how to play.  They all look fun, you want to have a go at all of them but to win a little, you need to understand the game and that takes time.  Alternatively, focus on one high and one low jackpot game.  The former will have an occasional big payment while the latter sees lots of little ones.

My favorite is Blackjack because there is a bit of a thrill to the game and it takes a bit of strategy and skill, rather than just blind luck.  But try a few games until you find the one that you enjoy most -then hopefully the luck will shine on you.