Geekiness enters home

home-command-key-clockIt is only natural that you feel the need to change the look and feel of your room once in a while, as staying put with the same design throughout the years could signify that your life has already turned stagnant. With the digital revolution going well into fourth gear, it makes perfect sense that computer geekiness has already seeped into mainstream consciousness, and such influence is not lost on home decoration designers. Take the Command Key Wall Clock for example - this decorative timepiece tells the time in a manner worthy of any computer geek, featuring the word "Home" emblazoned across the front of the clock.

The Home Command Key Wall Clock is currently on sale for $15.26. Of course, you can fork out additional dough to complete the collection consisting of Home, Escape, Ctrl, and Enter keys. I wonder why they missed out on Alt and Del - those would have complemented the Ctrl wall clock perfectly.

Product Page via Nerd Approved

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