jawbone colors

I want it! Jawbone Prime in four vibrant colors

jawbone-colorsI lost my Jawbone headset recently, and guess what? I am running out on May 2nd to get one of these jewel tone beauties. Jawbone Prime is the new Aliph headset with Bluetooth 2.1+ EDR for easier pairing and multipoint connections, Noise Assassin 2.0 with improved noise reduction, and a new colored pattern on the surface for a much improved look. Love it! For a demure look, you can stick Blah Blah Black, Coffee Talk, Going Platinum, but if you want to stand out, check out the stunning EARCANDY collection that includes "Drop me a Lime," "Frankly Scarlet," "Yello!," and "LILAC You Mean It." I want them all!jawbone-prime-004


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