Audi and Futuremark team up

Both Audi and Futuremark have pitted their brains together, coming up with a unique dashboard system that the world has never seen before. The latter is a graphics company based in California, and they were contracted by Audi to develop and produce and actively changing in dash GPS and HUD system which will definitely make driving much more pleasurable (assuming you're in a cool ride, of course). The final product is completely customizable depending on your current needs at the time, allowing you to keep it as complex as you like it or as simple as possible. Heck, you can even choose the color scheme which is way better than being stuck with a color that you don't like due to an oversight. There is no official release yet, but Audi has plans to implement this system into their lineup once testing has proved successful, first in their SUV line followed by regular cars.

Source: American Inventor Spot

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