Invasion of Celebrity Phones

Celebrities love putting their name and face on anything they deem profitable, but recently they've flocked to mobile phones since they're the one gadget we can't live without--and probably a very lucrative deal. Beyonce, Dwayne Wade, and Hillary Duff, have all done it, not to mention fashion designers like Prada, Armani, Anna Sui, and Diane VonFurstenberg.  Laptop Magazine thinks that in order for LG, Nokia, and Motorola to compete with the Upstage Beyonce phone, they too need to enlist the help of a few hot celebs. Here are the mock-ups of the Lohan, the K-Fed, the JLO and the Sheen phone:Celebrityphones

Our favorites:

The Lohan: Features include a mirror-encased clamshell, integrated bottle opener, GPS app to locate bars and spas, and would include Amy Winehouse's "Rehab" ringtone.

The JLO: What the B-phone lacks in curves, the JLO phone more than makes up for it with an extra large battery pack on the back (if you know what they mean). The pink clamshell has an external screen to watch JLO videos and movies, and is preloaded with a to-do list that has Ben and Diddy crossed off (that's just wrong!). Pre-loaded with "I need to know" ringtone by Marc Anthony.

Check out what the K-Fed phone and the Sheen phone features are over at Laptop Magazine. I bet you could guess what they are....

Tell us what celebrity phones you would buy, and what features do you think they should have.

See also:

Hillary Duff Mobile Phones
Samsung's Fashion B Phone Honors Beyonce

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