Windows Vista to get SP1

windows-vista-sp1If you're a proud user of Microsoft's latest operating system, Windows Vista, be prepared for the software giant to ship their first service pack update for Windows Vista within Q1 next year. Not only that, those who are still running on Vista's predecessor, the venerable Windows XP (and I am pretty sure there is a huge number of you out there), will be able to pick up the third and final service pack as well before the first half of 2008 is over. According to David Zipkin, a senior product manager for Windows Vista, he mentioned that the first operating system update will boost performance and fix nagging reliability problems.

For Vista owners who can't wait, a beta release of Vista SP1 will begin shipping from next month onwards to less than 15,000 users. Have you taken the Vista plunge already? If you answered in the affirmative, did it really bring a brand new "Wow" experience to the table?

Source: Computer World

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