Yet another luxury USB flash drive

stdupont-bling-usbWant to be different from the rest of your colleagues at the office? Why not sport different stationery, or in this case, a (much) more expensive USB flash drive? After all, it seems as though manufacturers these days attempt to stand out from the rest of the pack by slapping on some Swarovski crystals and deem those as 'elegant' solutions. The S.T. Dupont USB flash drives are different, however, as they come covered in expensive materials that warrant and equally sky high price tag. Known as the Côte D’Azur USB Memory Stick, they are made out of palladium and lacquer, thoroughly covered in S.T. Dupont's very own "iconic diamond head pattern".

Don't be fooled by the pattern - it is just that and not diamonds, else how would the diamonds be reflected in the $700 price tag? It will come in turquoise blue, soft pink, and black colors at just one capacity - 2GB.

Source: Mobile Magazine


  1. Chris P 10 September, 2007 at 08:57

    I have to ask why?

    Even if you had the money, why would you feel the need to spend it like this. I mean, if you had a TAG watch or Rolex then people and see it (not that they’d care anyway). But it’s a bit hard to flash this around, and even more difficult to impress people with a flash drive!

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