Glow Brick Adds Flair

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Tired of the same old light bulb keeping your area aglow?  Try the Glow Brick for some added gadgetry.  You'll even save some money with this one, because it's solar powered.  So, look good and feel good with it around.

The glowing brick gives the impression that you have a bulb that's just suspended in mid-air in a room, giving off a nice bit of light.  The acrylic brick keeps things neat and tidy and can give you the added security of automatically turning on, for those late nights you spend out and forget to leave a light on.

During the day it stores up power and at night, blink, it's on.  You could add some style to an area that normally is dark and dank in the evenings, by placing these on a shelf or near a favorite place to sit.  For around $30 you can grab a few!

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