Bumper Boat for summer fun

bumperboatSummer is just around the corner, and if you're a frazzled mom who is tired of nagging at your kids, asking them to leave the house to get some much needed sunshine on their pasty complexion instead of being cooped up at home with the Wii, Xbox 360, or PlayStation 3 all day long, why not try a different method of persuasion? The Bumper Boat offers great fun at an affordable price, featuring an inflatable raft that can be set up within seconds. Each $99.99 Bumper Boat comes with an easy-to-use steering wheel and is propelled by a safe, quiet motor.

Getting a couple of these would be optimal, unless your family is the patient type who don't mind waiting to take their turns. While using this in your home pool is much safer, boating around a lake offers a much more exhilarating experience. Just make sure whoever sits on the Bumper Boat does not weigh more than 200 lbs as it will sink faster than the Titanic then.

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